- sleep or die
- what is sleep apnea
- why we have sleep apnea
- self diagnosis
- official diagnosis
- solutions vs workarounds
- solutions for children
- workarounds for adults
- reshaping appliance
- restorative materials
sleep or die
why every creature on this planet sleeps
and 95% of modern “westernized” people have some sleep apnea
deep sleep is about the only time when the body can truly regenerate
most people are conditioned to think that sleep apnea is “just another disease”
yet most chronic diseases and even death are due to lack of regeneration in sleep
official medicine considers adult progressive loss of sleep as “normal aging”
uncorrected sleep disorder is “the real disease” behind most “incurable” chronic conditions
what is sleep apnea
sleep apnea manifestation mechanics
why we have sleep apnea
sleep apnea is some 7000 years old, due to changes in:
- diet (introduction of grains, etc)
- habitat (lack of sun / vitamin d3, etc)
and now is additionally compounded by:
- cessation of breast feeding
- obese and hypodynamic life style
which resulted in:
- reduced skull size (brain volume is down 15%)
- reduced maxila and mandible size (jaw cross sizes are down 20%)
which manifests itself as:
- deviated septum
- narrow nose airway
- insufficient space for tongue
- insufficient space for “wisdom” teeth
- multiple cranio-facial problems
- reduced neck / throat air pipe diameter
compare lower jaw (mandible) of archeo vs mordern human:
self diagnosis
for a d.i.y. sleep study done every night you can get the following:
- night vision ifrared camera installed above your bed
- recording pulse oximeter mounted on your hand and finger
infrared camera | pulse oximeter |
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what you might see on the camera recording:
- there is no r.e.m. sleep
- you sleep on the back, not on a side
- your jaw drops down and mouth stays open
- your breath pattern switches to fast and shallow
- you periodically start to suffocate and stop to breathe
- you wake up with elevated heart rate and a memory of a nightmare
what you might see on the oximeter recording:
- oxygen level periodically drops during the night
- heart pulse rate periodically jumps up during sleep
if you correlate camera shots and oximeter time line you might observe how suffocation events coincide with the oxygen level drops and heart rate increases
official diagnosis
beware: sleep apnea is big business
sleep study
there is a plethora of sleep study centers
their mission is to sell you a sleep study and then a c.p.a.p. machine
you can do a do a study (for fun), but should really skip the machine:
- life expectancy of a c.p.a.p. user is 7 years
- c.p.a.p. gear will continue to contract you maxilla
- it will re-program your breath patterns into machine-dependence
x-ray cephalometry
radiation is bad for you, regardless of the dose
nonetheless, some doctors might refuse an appliance unless you take a c.b.c.t. scan
x-ray cephalometry of your skull might show the following (click on image for large scale):
solutions vs workarounds
real solution needs global change on this planet
meanwhile you can still help children and adults with some workarounds
orthodontics vs orthotropics
modern orthodontics is essentially a criminal enterprise
they will mangle your face in the name of vanity with no regard to how it affects your breathing even if you die of sleep apnea induced heart attack 20 years after they made you look pretty by removing teeth and collapsing maxilla
one proper alternative to orthodontics is orthotropics inspired by John Mew and others
solutions for children
educate yourself
find a doctor with integrity
workarounds for adults
use these workarounds while you wait for your appliance
you might need to try all of them to see which ones work best
increase nasal air flow
use neti pot
- clear nasal air passage
- apply 1 hour before sleep
- use warm neti pot solution at 37°C
- recipe: 4g of sea salt + 1L of boiling water
use essential oil
- use 30 minutes after neti pot
- apply deep inside nostrils with cotton swab
- recipe: 50% olive oil + 50% essential oil mix by volume
- oil mix: equal volume of: thyme, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender
use nasal dilator
- install before sleep
- store in small jelly jar
- use 0.3% hydrogen peroxide for storage
- wash with warm water before installation
open tongue space
use d.i.y. mouth guard or anti snoring device
- moves mandible forward
- moves the tongue after mandible
- you need to tape you mouth when using this
- beware: long term use advances maxilla collapse
keep mouth closed
listen to Mark Burhenne about mouth taping
use paper tape to seal your mouth
- prevent mouth drying up
- prevent lower jaw dropping
- prevent tongue closing the throat
sleep on your side
use tall or narrow backpack
- prevents air way collapse
- does not let sleep on the back
- helps to keep proper sleep position
- make it tall and fill backpack with 1-2 towels
chew heavy gum daily
listen to “crazy” Mike Mew part-1 part-2 part-3
toughest gum found so far: greek mastic gum
- improve teeth blood circulation
- increase cranio facial bone growth
- rebuild tongue, mouth, throat muscles / posture
- start from 20+ minutes a day, build up to 2+ hours a day
learn to swallow properly
listen to “professor” Mike Mew part-1 part-2
- 85% of people swallow like babies
- rebuild tongue, throat muscles / posture
keep the tongue at the roof
listen to “peaceful” Mike Mew part-1 part-2 part-3 part-4
- discover proper tongue position
have fun with didgeridoo
proven method to help with sleep apnea
- build your own from pvc pipe
- rebuild lung, throat, diaphragm operation
- rebuild tongue, mouth, throat muscles / posture
sleep apnea exercises
- alternate with didjeridoo
- trains via different exercise patterns
- rebuild tongue, mouth, throat muscles / posture
sleep with face down
- sleep with mouth taped to prevent drying out
- sleep with face down to let gravity pull tongue down
- make a contraption similar to pregnancy massage pillow
- use 3 pressure areas: forehead, collar bones, pelvis joints
- this ensures open space for lower face as well as for belly breathing
reshaping appliance
watch similar appliance time lapse video
listen to “inspired” Mike Mew growing your face
learn details in case study with similar appliance
you will need a doctor to help you with this project
use of orthotropics appliance is an attempt to restore facial bones to their proper size
appliance provides expansion of upper jaw / maxilla, lower jaw / mandible and pull of maxilla fowrard and upward
appliance components:
- upper / lower expanders
- face pull mask
- face bows
- head cap
pull mask
listen to “demostrating” Mike Mew part-1 part-2 part-3
click for large scale
uses cervical collar built from laerdal stifneck
- creates forward/upward pull of the maxilla
- avoids typical backward push on the mandible
- allows for the “chewing exercise” with the appliance
face bows
uses two face bows
- attached through tubes to upper and lower appliances
- attached to the head cap to provide upward maxilla pull
- allows to lock mandible in “push forward position” during sleep
upper appliance
click for large scale
design notes:
- provides maxilla expansion
- uses face bow attahcment tubes
- provides maxilla forward/upward pull
lower appliance
click for large scale
design notes:
- provides mandible expansion
- uses face bow attahcment tubes
- allows to lock mandible in “push forward position” during sleep
restorative materials
use of the appliance requires active bone remodeling, which depends on proper function of body energy production, hormones, digestion
since you discovered your sleep apnea condition rather late in life, there is a very high chance that you experience multiple functional problems
functional deviations common in sleep apnea:
- high general inflamation / estrogen
- low progesterone / testosterone
- suppresed thyroid system
- damaged intestine
listen to Ray Peat ideas on regeneration
required diet and supplements, based on thinking of Ray Peat
Ray Peat inspired diet:
- grass fed milk
- grass fed liver
- grass fed butter
- free range eggs
- orange juice
- sweet fruits
- organic coffee
- grated carrot
- bamboo shoots
- beef gelatin
- coconut oil
- olive oil
- mushroom
- potato
Ray Peat inspired supplements:
- aspirin
- vitamin a
- vitamin b
- vitamin c
- vitamin d
- vitamin e
- vitamin k
- magnesium
- potassium
- sea mollusc
- pregnenolone
- progesterone
- testosterone
- d.h.e.a.
- cynoplus
- red light
- milk enzymes
- fiber enzymes